Monday, June 4, 2012

Low Testoterone Treatment

These causes for low testosterone may come from damage to the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, or testicles inhibiting hormone production. Natural life events oftentimes makes this a difficult to avoid occurrence.

The causes for low testosterone that occur in men can also be a result of one's lifestyle. Lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, smoking, and excessive drinking are all causes of low testosterone that can be modified by changing one's living habits. These factors are responsible for some of the aforementioned gland damage.
Other reasons men may be low on testosterone include poor circulation, and hypertension. Use of prescription or non-prescription medications may also be a cause of low testosterone. Psychological problems, too, it is believed in some circles might cause a man to suffer low testosterone although there is no consensus on this.
Although the causes for low testosterone vary and many of them may be out of one's control, remedies in the form of testosterone replacement therapy do exist. These remedies consist of boosting a man low on testosterone to a normal testosterone level, thereby hopefully alleviating any symptoms from which he was suffering.
Another interesting approach to treating the cause of low testosterone is through using an herb called tribulus terrestris. This practice has been taken by many different cultures as a natural way to treat men low testosterone treatment along with a variety of other sexual conditions for centuries.
Tribulus terrestris takes a different approach. It may address one of the other causes for low testosterone related to the pituitary gland. The secretion of Lutenizing Hormone by the pituitary gland is a cause of low testosteron because lutenizing hormone stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. When a man is low on Lutenizing Hormone, he becomes low on testosterone.

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