If your aim is to be lively and robust in your 80s and 90s,
you'll need to learn some anti aging cosmetics secrets that focus on the mind, body and
spirit. You are an integrated model -- there are many aspects of a healthy life
that rely on each other. Anecdotal information and science have both shown this
to be true. Crush the spirit and the body will follow. Stimulate the mind and
your mood will lighten. Exercise the body and your mind will be sharper. In
many ways, these anti aging lotions are interdependent.
It is true that one of the biggest keys to a long and
healthy life is choosing your parents wisely. That, of course, isn't truly a
choice, but an acknowledgment of the enormous role that heredity plays in
health. But you're not a slave to your family's past. New research shows that
the brain has an amazing amount of plasticity [source: Doidge]. Impending health
conditions can be planned for and bypassed (sometimes literally). Even mood and
perspective can be relearned and practiced for stress-avoidance. What does
stress avoidance have to do with it? Basically, it enhances cognitive ability
-- that is, it keeps your brain sharp. But more on that later.
You can play a role in the length and quality of your life.
You just have to learn how -- and take action. On the following pages, discover
10 techniques for maintaining your youth and health as you age.
It's one thing to live a long life, but if you want to live
a long and vibrant life, you're going to need a vibrant and sharp mind. The
brain, like the rest of the body, needs exercise to avoid becoming
sluggish and even disease-ridden. A study of nuns found that the more educated
women had fewer instances of Alzheimer's disease. And even autopsy
analysis found that while a particular brain may have exhibited signs of the
disease, the effects weren't obvious in the women who had challenged their brains
and had other interests outside their work.
The brain needs to be challenged to keep neurological
pathways open. Learn a new language, read or even simply practice awareness of
your surroundings: smells, sounds, visual input. The old adage "use it or
you'll lose it" has validity when it comes to your mind.
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